Brianna McKee was born and raised in the Town of Poughkeepsie to John & Jennifer McKee and is the eldest of four daughters. Brianna understands the concerns and needs of her neighbors and will be a strong advocate for her community. She will ensure that her community will continue to be a desirable location to lay down roots, raise their families, and create a legacy for decades to come, just like she and her family have done for four generations.
Brianna is a life-long resident and a descendant of a long lineage of small business owners. Growing up, she spent her afternoons and weekends working at her family's company, McKee Construction. She understands firsthand the challenges and successes of owning a business in Dutchess County. She will prioritize her efforts towards smart economic growth and support the efforts of the local municipalities. As part of her small business initiative, Brianna will offer resources, such as mentor and network groups to help support small business owners in the community.
Brianna is saddened to see vacant properties strewn throughout Poughkeepsie, most notably, the aftermath of COVID-19. She vows to partner with municipal and state agencies to promote smart and sustainable development. Residents across the Poughkeepsie area still live with subpar roads, water, and sewer access. Brianna understands the need for continuous investment in water and sewer systems for our residents and businesses. As a legislator, she will work to secure funding for infrastructure upgrades and improvements.
Brianna is a graduate of Spackenkill High School and holds a degree in finance and marketing from Marist College. Her volunteer work and experience in the local education system propel her mission to support and empower the next generation in Dutchess County. Her early commitment to public service and community involvement started with coaching youth volleyball and volunteering at local non-profits. While serving as county legislator, she will work with county and state agencies to promote our next generation. She believes we must make strides toward a more inclusive and refined path to success for our youth. As the oldest of four daughters, she is committed to ensuring the highest potential of youth development for her sisters and children in the community. She looks forward to working with County Executive Marcus Molinaro and colleagues in the county legislature to provide support for the pending youth center project. With 25% of federal relief funding for COVID-19 relief going to youth services, Brianna will do everything to ensure the funds are allocated to best support youth sports, mentorships, tutoring, and other developmental programs.
Today, she has matured into a young professional with an extensive background in small business ownership, fiscal responsibility, and adolescent development. She is driven by her diverse experiences and offers a unique perspective as a member of the Poughkeepsie community. Brianna will be a leader who listens to her community. Her fresh perspective resonates with residents of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. She understands New York is a difficult place to settle down, buy a home, or even start a family. Brianna has focused her efforts on making Dutchess County a haven, one which encourages future generations to live, work, and retire locally. She recognizes our high cost-of-living expenses are a disservice to our senior population. She knows we must work together to keep life-long residents in their home communities. Brianna McKee remains steadfast in her desire to keep her hometown an affordable, safe place for future generations and is extremely eager to serve her community.